I have shared best CSE/IT project ideas for final year Engineering student . Many of the students get confused to choose which topic/ideas i take for final year project . Here i am sharing most usefull ideas for final year students in which student take any idea which i shared.


Tuesday 25 May 2021

3 new CSE/IT Project Ideas for Final year Students


CSE/IT  Project Ideas for Final year 

1) Face based Attendance management system

 The management of the attendance can be a great burden on the teachers if it is done by hand. .To resolve this problem, smart and auto attendance management system is being utilized. By utilizing this framework, the problem of proxies and students being marked present even though they are not physically present can easily be solved. This system marks the attendance using live video stream. The frames are extracted from video using OpenCV. The main implementation steps used in this type of system are face detection and recognizing the detected face, for which dlib is used. After these, the connection of recognized faces ought to be conceivable by comparing with the database containing student's faces. This model will be a successful technique to manage the attendance of students.

Keywords: Attendance system, Automated attendance, Image Processing, Face detection, Feature matching, Face recognition.

2) Credit Card Fraud Detection Models 
Fraud models can be tackled with both supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms. In the first case, traditional classification algorithms are used;  in the second case, we can use anomaly detection techniques. The use of neural networks is also efficient, but it requires a great deal of training data with an equal amount of data points for two classes: abnormal and normal.  However, in the case of fraud detection, there’s always a lack of balanced datasets.

3) crime rate prediction system
 Day  by  day  the  crime  rate  is  increasing  considerably. Crime cannot  be predicted  since it  is neither  systematic nor random.  Also  the  modern technologies  and  hi-tech methods help criminals  in  achieving  their  misdeeds.  According  to Crime Records  Bureau  crimes like  burglary,  arson etc  have been decreased while crimes like murder, sex abuse, gang rape etc have been increased. Even though we cannot predict who all may be the victims of crime but can predict the place that has probability for its occurrence.

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